The Realities of Type 2 Diabetes Remission, Part 3: Diabetes Remission
In this blog series on the realities of Type 2 diabetes remission, I have discussed the basics on how the body processes food, the realities around why people develop diabetes, and why diabetes treatments have not been able to help most individuals achieve diabetes remission. Here I want to wrap up the discussion with reviewing […]
The Realities of Type 2 Diabetes Remission – Part 2: Problem Areas in Type 2 Diabetes
In our previous blog post: The Realities of Type 2 Diabetes Remission, Part 1 Physiology, I outlined some of the human physiology (body) processes that keep blood sugar at usual levels. When food is eaten, digestive systems start the process to breakdown, absorb, and metabolize those nutrients into energy and into components of the body […]
Diabetes… Myth or Truth? Book
A resource specifically for the Indigenous peoples of Canada living with diabetes. Covers all the key diabetes information areas in an easy-to-read format. Illustrated, spiral-bound. ebook version also available.
The Diabetes Myths, Misconceptions and Big Fat Lies! Book
A resource for people living with diabetes. Covers all the key diabetes information areas in an easy-to-read format. Illustrated, spiral-bound. ebook version also available.
Discovering Diabetes™ Discovery Record Tool
Learn what works and what doesn’t for your diabetes management by using our FREE Discovery Record tool.
Healthy Portions Plan
Our free simplified diabetes eating plan. Meant to help you make meal choices until you meet with a diabetes educator for more personalized plans.
Plate Method for Healthy Eating with Diabetes
Use this FREE resource to help you with the portions on your plate. Comes with several bonus pages of points to consider.
Healthy Portions Are In Your Hands
A simplified way to estimate portion sizes to help with diabetes management.
The Residential School Legacy of Hunger
This program discusses the Legacy of Nutrition Experimentation and the Residential School System (RSS) on the Indigenous Peoples of Canada.
Discovering Diabetes™ Program
Get your diabetes education program running using our evidence-based Diabetes Self-Management patient education curriculum.